项目名称: 社会网络交互安全保障机制研究
项目编号: No.61202423
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 杨智
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 社会网络的日趋流行,一方面使它成为人们进行社会化交互和信息分享的重要平台,另一方面也使它成为攻击者新的攻击目标。因此,如何保证用户在社会网络中交互的安全性成为新的研究课题。具体来说,系统要保证进行交互的双方(包括账户和数据)是真实可信的,并且在交互过程中的访问是安全的。由于攻击者结合社会网络的新特征,传统针对Web和Email的安全机制并不适用于社会网络。因此,本申请以保证用户在社会网络交互的安全为宗旨,通过与中国最大的社交网络人人网合作,首次对社会网络中攻击者的行为进行大规模分析,重点研究在社会网络环境下攻击者新的攻击模型和策略;研究如何基于攻击模型以及社会网络特征设计假账号检测,内容污染过滤, 安全认证和隐私控制等机制;从而达到安全可靠的使用社会网络的目的。
中文关键词: 社会网络;女巫攻击;虚假用户检测;用户隐式交互;拓扑数据分析
英文摘要: Social networking has become a popular way for users to meet and interact online. Users store and share a wealth of personal information on the social platform,which attracts the interest of cybercriminals. Hence, it becomes more important to protect the security of social interaction. In particular, the system should ensure that users interact with trustable accounts, and grantee the security of users themselves among the inteaction. Even though this problem has raised the attention of researchers, how attackers behave in social network is still not well understood.In this funding application, we analyze to which extent attack has entered social networks. More precisely, we analyze how attacker who target social networking sites operate. To collect the data about attacker activity, we coprate with Renren network and get a large and diverse set of fake accounts and their activities. We shall analyze the collected data and identified anomalous behavior models of attackers. Based on the analysis of this behavior, we would develop techniques to detect spammers in social networks, defend content pollusion attacks. We shall also analye how users interact with their friends, and design new users' authentication mechinsin and privacy control strategy. These techniques would make users access the social network in a sec
英文关键词: social network;Sybil attack;fake account detection;user latent interaction;Topological data analysis