项目名称: 高密度三维存储器件集成中的基础科学问题研究
项目编号: No.61474137
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 霍宗亮
作者单位: 中国科学院微电子研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 大数据时代对大容量存储技术的要求推动三维电荷俘获存储器件(3D-CTM)成为闪存技术发展的主流趋势。作为一项革新性技术,3D-CTM研究目前主要集中在三维架构的设计和原型阵列的演示方面。为了推进3D-CTM技术实用化,3D-CTM的研究除了需要突破一些技术瓶颈,还需解决阵列集成中出现的新的基础科学问题,比如多晶硅沟道的缺陷问题、阵列不同位置上存储单元一致性问题、阵列单元间耦合串扰问题等。鉴于此,申请者将结合三维器件模拟软件、短流程实验和长流程实验等进行集成技术研发;通过结合电路仿真软件、热力学模拟软件、单元特性测试以及新表征手段,完成三维阵列的基础科学问题研究;在此基础上,提出3D-CTM的优化方案和新的阵列架构,实现三维存储器件的研制。本课题研究内容属于国际存储技术前沿研究的热点和难点问题,研究成果将成为三维存储技术实用化的重要研究基础,也将为更前瞻的3D-RRAM的研究提供指导和借鉴。
中文关键词: 三维存储器;高K栅介质;多晶硅沟道;电荷俘获存储器
英文摘要: To meet the storage requiremet of Big Data, Charge trap concept-based three dimensional flash memory (3D-CTM) become the main trend of flash technology development. As an innovative technology, 3D-CTM research is currently focused on the three-dimensional structure design and the demonstration of prototype arrays. In order to promote 3D-CTM technology industry, some technical bottlenecks on 3D-CTM need to be breakthrough. Besides that, emerging basic science issues on 3D array integration must be studied, such as, defect control issue on poly-silicon channel, uniformity issue of memory cell on different array positions, crosstalk coupling issue among memory array elements etc. In view of this, the applicant will combine three-dimensional device simulation software, short loop experiments and long process integration experiments, with the help of circuit simulation, thermodynamic simulation, device testing and new characterization methods, to complete the research on emerging basic science issue on three-dimensional memory array; On this basis, we will propose new optimized 3D-CTM integration scheme and demonstrated 3D-CTM device. The project belongs to the hot and difficult topics of international memory technological frontier research, The achievement will become an important basis for practical three-dimensional storage technology, but also provides the guidance and reference for 3D-RRAM research.
英文关键词: three dimensional memory;high-k dielectrics;polysilicon channel;Charge Trap flash Memory