项目名称: 嵌入集群内的中国非正规经济组织创业成长中的合法性和生存性研究
项目编号: No.71272192
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 任荣伟
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 53万元
中文摘要: 【内容摘要】自国际劳工组织(ILO)(1973)首先提出"非正规就业"概念以来,非正规经济组织就成为国际研究焦点,这些组织常常游离于现行的法律框架之外,普遍不为各国地方政府认可、支持或管辖,甚至被与非法活动等同起来,加以干扰和抑制。嵌入集群内的以模仿、草根型创业为主要特征的中国山寨式企业以及众多具有手工技艺特征的村落式企业是一个被管理学界"遗忘"的研究群体,这些企业亟待在法律、管理以及社会认知等多重构面上加以规范和引导。本项课题期望通过梳理国内外相关文献,通过创构一个系统、整合性分析理论模型框架,试图从理论上解释非正规经济组织在中国的生存机理以及合法性途径;通过大样本的深入调研和实地访谈,本项目将从实证与案例两方面对影响其生存性和合法性的相关因素进行检验和分析。最后,本项课题将从制度和认知两方面研究提升中国此类组织合法性和生存性的新途径,最终为政府客观评估并制订相应支持性政策提供依据。
中文关键词: 非正规企业;合法性;社会网络;产业集群;创新创业
英文摘要: Since the appearance of Informal Employment initiated by the International Labor Organization(ILO)(1973), Informal Economy Organizations(IEOs)have become the focus for international research. These organizations are usually dissociated from legal structures and are not recognized, nor supported by the local government. Sometimes they even became equivalent to illegal activities and thus are interfered. The copycats in China, embedded in the clusters in forms of assimilation, grassroots' stylistics and cottage firms with various handicrafts, are a group of organizations "forgotten" by management researchers, who badly need regulation and guidance in terms of legislation, management and social recognition. Copycat style firms in many emerging economies play an important role. Yadong Luo & Jinyun Sun &Stephanie Lu Wang(2011)refer to emerging economy copycats , which have a key feature that they begin with imitation and later progress toward innovation. This research explored how copycat ventures in informal organizations get legitimacy and overcome Liability of Newness. The research defined Copycat firm according to the degree of legitimacy, from low to high, use the spectrum picture to provide a framework. Three cases studied in this paper were companies which were from the early stages of development compani
英文关键词: informal organization;legitimacy;social network;cluster;entrepreneurship & innovition