
2018 年 2 月 23 日 专知 专知内容组


1. Exploiting the potential of unlabeled endoscopic video data with self-supervised learning(基于半监督学习的无标签内窥镜视频数据分析方法

作者Tobias Ross,David Zimmerer,Anant Vemuri,Fabian Isensee,Manuel Wiesenfarth,Sebastian Bodenstedt,Fabian Both,Philip Kessler,Martin Wagner,Beat Müller,Hannes Kenngott,Stefanie Speidel,Annette Kopp-Schneider,Klaus Maier-Hein,Lena Maier-Hein

摘要Surgical data science is a new research field that aims to observe all aspects of the patient treatment process in order to provide the right assistance at the right time. Due to the breakthrough successes of deep learning-based solutions for automatic image annotation, the availability of reference annotations for algorithm training is becoming a major bottleneck in the field. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the concept of self-supervised learning to address this issue. Our approach is guided by the hypothesis that unlabeled video data can be used to learn a representation of the target domain that boosts the performance of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms when used for pre-training. Core of the method is an auxiliary task based on raw endoscopic video data of the target domain that is used to initialize the convolutional neural network (CNN) for the target task. In this paper, we propose the re-colorization of medical images with a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based architecture as auxiliary task. A variant of the method involves a second pre-training step based on labeled data for the target task from a related domain. We validate both variants using medical instrument segmentation as target task. The proposed approach can be used to radically reduce the manual annotation effort involved in training CNNs. Compared to the baseline approach of generating annotated data from scratch, our method decreases exploratively the number of labeled images by up to 75% without sacrificing performance. Our method also outperforms alternative methods for CNN pre-training, such as pre-training on publicly available non-medical or medical data using the target task (in this instance: segmentation). As it makes efficient use of available (non-)public and (un-)labeled data, the approach has the potential to become a valuable tool for CNN (pre-)training.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年1月31日



2. Stable Distribution Alignment Using the Dual of the Adversarial Distance使用对抗距离的对偶方法实现稳定的分布对齐

作者Ben Usman,Kate Saenko,Brian Kulis

摘要Methods that align distributions by minimizing an adversarial distance between them have recently achieved impressive results. However, these approaches are difficult to optimize with gradient descent and they often do not converge well without careful hyperparameter tuning and proper initialization. We investigate whether turning the adversarial min-max problem into an optimization problem by replacing the maximization part with its dual improves the quality of the resulting alignment and explore its connections to Maximum Mean Discrepancy. Our empirical results suggest that using the dual formulation for the restricted family of linear discriminators results in a more stable convergence to a desirable solution when compared with the performance of a primal min-max GAN-like objective and an MMD objective under the same restrictions. We test our hypothesis on the problem of aligning two synthetic point clouds on a plane and on a real-image domain adaptation problem on digits. In both cases, the dual formulation yields an iterative procedure that gives more stable and monotonic improvement over time.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年1月31日



3. Interactive Generative Adversarial Networks for Facial Expression Generation in Dyadic Interactions二元交互下基于交互生成对抗网络的面部表情生成

作者Behnaz Nojavanasghari,Yuchi Huang,Saad Khan

摘要A social interaction is a social exchange between two or more individuals,where individuals modify and adjust their behaviors in response to their interaction partners. Our social interactions are one of most fundamental aspects of our lives and can profoundly affect our mood, both positively and negatively. With growing interest in virtual reality and avatar-mediated interactions,it is desirable to make these interactions natural and human like to promote positive effect in the interactions and applications such as intelligent tutoring systems, automated interview systems and e-learning. In this paper, we propose a method to generate facial behaviors for an agent. These behaviors include facial expressions and head pose and they are generated considering the users affective state. Our models learn semantically meaningful representations of the face and generate appropriate and temporally smooth facial behaviors in dyadic interactions.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年1月31日



4. Activation Maximization Generative Adversarial Nets激活最大化生成对抗网络

作者Zhiming Zhou,Han Cai,Shu Rong,Yuxuan Song,Kan Ren,Weinan Zhang,Yong Yu,Jun Wang

摘要Class labels have been empirically shown useful in improving the sample quality of generative adversarial nets (GANs). In this paper, we mathematically study the properties of the current variants of GANs that make use of class label information. With class aware gradient and cross-entropy decomposition, we reveal how class labels and associated losses influence GAN's training. Based on that, we propose Activation Maximization Generative Adversarial Networks (AM-GAN) as an advanced solution. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted to validate our analysis and evaluate the effectiveness of our solution, where AM-GAN outperforms other strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art Inception Score (8.91) on CIFAR-10. In addition, we demonstrate that, with the Inception ImageNet classifier, Inception Score mainly tracks the diversity of the generator, and there is, however, no reliable evidence that it can reflect the true sample quality. We thus propose a new metric, called AM Score, to provide more accurate estimation on the sample quality. Our proposed model also outperforms the baseline methods in the new metric.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年1月31日



5. Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential FieldsCoulomb GANs:通过势场得到最优的纳什均衡

作者Thomas Unterthiner,Bernhard Nessler,Calvin Seward,Günter Klambauer,Martin Heusel,Hubert Ramsauer,Sepp Hochreiter

摘要Generative adversarial networks (GANs) evolved into one of the most successful unsupervised techniques for generating realistic images. Even though it has recently been shown that GAN training converges, GAN models often end up in local Nash equilibria that are associated with mode collapse or otherwise fail to model the target distribution. We introduce Coulomb GANs, which pose the GAN learning problem as a potential field of charged particles, where generated samples are attracted to training set samples but repel each other. The discriminator learns a potential field while the generator decreases the energy by moving its samples along the vector (force) field determined by the gradient of the potential field. Through decreasing the energy, the GAN model learns to generate samples according to the whole target distribution and does not only cover some of its modes. We prove that Coulomb GANs possess only one Nash equilibrium which is optimal in the sense that the model distribution equals the target distribution. We show the efficacy of Coulomb GANs on a variety of image datasets. On LSUN and celebA, Coulomb GANs set a new state of the art and produce a previously unseen variety of different samples.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年1月30日



6. tempoGAN: A Temporally Coherent, Volumetric GAN for Super-resolution Fluid FlowtempoGAN: 超分辨流体流动的一种临时相干GAN

作者You Xie,Erik Franz,Mengyu Chu,Nils Thuerey

摘要We propose a temporally coherent generative model addressing the super-resolution problem for fluid flows. Our work represents a first approach to synthesize four-dimensional physics fields with neural networks. Based on a conditional generative adversarial network that is designed for the inference of three-dimensional volumetric data, our model generates consistent and detailed results by using a novel temporal discriminator, in addition to the commonly used spatial one. Our experiments show that the generator is able to infer more realistic high-resolution details by using additional physical quantities, such as low-resolution velocities or vorticities. Besides improvements in the training process and in the generated outputs, these inputs offer means for artistic control as well. We additionally employ a physics-aware data augmentation step, which is crucial to avoid overfitting and to reduce memory requirements. In this way, our network learns to generate advected quantities with highly detailed, realistic, and temporally coherent features. Our method works instantaneously, using only a single time-step of low-resolution fluid data. We demonstrate the abilities of our method using a variety of complex inputs and applications in two and three dimensions.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年1月30日




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