Structural identifiability and observability are desirable properties of systems biology models. Many software toolboxes have been developed for their analysis in the last decades. STRIKE-GOLDD is a generally applicable tool that can analyse non-linear, non-rational ODE models with unknown inputs. However, this generality comes at the expense of a lower computational efficiency than other tools. Here we present STRIKE-GOLDD 4.0, which includes a new algorithm, ProbObsTest, specifically designed for the analysis of rational models. ProbObsTest is significantly faster than the FISPO algorithm - which was already available in older versions of the toolbox - when applied to computationally expensive models. An important feature of both algorithms is their ability to analyse models with unknown inputs. Thus, their coexistence in the same toolbox provides a combination of general applicability and computational efficiency. STRIKE-GOLDD 4.0 is implemented as a free and open-source Matlab toolbox with a user-friendly graphical interface. It is available under a GPLv3 license and it can be downloaded from GitHub at
翻译:结构性可识别性和可观察性是系统生物学模型的可取特性。 许多软件工具箱是在过去几十年中为分析这些模型而开发的。 STRIKE- GOLDDD是一个普遍适用的工具,可以分析非线性、非逻辑性ODE模型,但投入未知。 然而,这种一般性是以低于其他工具的计算效率为代价的。 这里我们展示了 STRIKE- GOLDD4. 0, 其中包括一种新的算法, ProbObsTest, 专门设计用于分析理性模型。 ProbObsTest比FISPO算法要快得多。 ProbObsTest在旧版本的工具箱中已经提供, 当应用到计算成本昂贵的模型时。 这两种算法的一个重要特征是它们分析模型的能力。 因此,它们在同一工具箱中共存提供了一般适用性和计算效率的组合。 STRIKE- GOLDDD4.0 是一个免费和开源的Matlab工具箱,使用方便用户的图形界面。 它在GPLVV3许可证下可以使用, 并且可以从GiHaver/devflikels下载在 httpls/ https@gliskyl.