Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a communication protocol to support client-server interactions among services over a network. RPC is widely applied in industry for building large-scale distributed systems, such as Microservices. Modern RPC frameworks include for example Thrift, gRPC, SOFARPC and Dubbo. Testing such systems is very challenging, due to the complexity of distributed systems and various RPC frameworks the system could employ. To the best of our knowledge, there does not exist any tool or solution that could enable automated testing of modern RPC-based services. To fill this gap, in this paper we propose the first approach in the literature, together with an open-source tool, for white-box fuzzing modern RPC-based APIs with search. To assess our novel approach, we conducted an empirical study with two artificial and four industrial APIs selected by our industrial partner. The tool has been integrated into a real industrial pipeline, and could be applied to real industrial development process for fuzzing RPC-based APIs. To further demonstrate its effectiveness and application in industrial settings, we also report results of employing our tool for fuzzing another 50 industrial APIs autonomously conducted by our industrial partner in their testing processes. Results show that our novel approach is capable of enabling automated test case generation for industrial RPC-based APIs (i.e., two artificial and 54 industrial). We also compared with a simple grey-box technique and existing manually written tests. Our white-box solution achieves significant improvements on code coverage. Regarding fault detection, by conducting a careful review with our industrial partner of the tests generated by our novel approach in the selected four industrial APIs, a total of 41 real faults were identified, which have now been fixed. Another 8,377 detected faults are currently under investigation.
翻译:远程程序呼叫(RPC Call)是支持服务网络客户-服务器互动的通信协议。 RPC被广泛用于行业建设大型分布式系统,如MicroServices。现代RPC框架包括Trift、GRPC、SOFARPC和Dubbo等。由于分布式系统的复杂性和该系统可以使用的各种RPC框架,测试这些系统非常具有挑战性。据我们所知,没有任何工具或解决方案能够自动测试基于RPC的现代手动服务器。为了填补这一空白,我们在本文件中提出了第一个在文献中采用的方法,同时提出了开放源代码范围,用于搜索基于RPC的大规模分布式系统。现代RPC框架包括Trift、GRPRC、SFARPC和Dubbo。由于分布式系统分布式系统的复杂性和各种RPC框架的复杂性,因此,测试这些系统非常富有挑战性。根据我们的知识,目前基于RPC的手动程序,可以应用任何工具或解决方案来进行自动测试。为了进一步展示其有效性和在工业环境中的应用,我们还报告说,在运用了一种简化的RPI系统测试工具,在进行一次测试过程中,我们进行了一次测试。