We study regression adjustments with additional covariates in randomized experiments under covariate-adaptive randomizations (CARs) when subject compliance is imperfect. We develop a regression-adjusted local average treatment effect (LATE) estimator that is proven to improve efficiency in the estimation of LATEs under CARs. Our adjustments can be parametric in linear and nonlinear forms, nonparametric, and high-dimensional. Even when the adjustments are misspecified, our proposed estimator is still consistent and asymptotically normal, and their inference method still achieves the exact asymptotic size under the null. When the adjustments are correctly specified, our estimator achieves the minimum asymptotic variance. When the adjustments are parametrically misspecified, we construct a new estimator which is weakly more efficient than linearly and nonlinearly adjusted estimators, as well as the one without any adjustments. Simulation evidence and empirical application confirm efficiency gains achieved by regression adjustments relative to both the estimator without adjustment and the standard two-stage least squares estimator.