We introduce an iterative method named GPMR for solving 2x2 block unsymmetric linear systems. GPMR is based on a new process that reduces simultaneously two rectangular matrices to upper Hessenberg form and that is closely related to the block-Arnoldi process. GPMR is tantamount to Block-GMRES with two right-hand sides in which the two approximate solutions are summed at each iteration, but requires less storage and work per iteration. We compare the performance of GPMR with GMRES and Block-GMRES on linear systems from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. In our experiments, GPMR terminates significantly earlier than GMRES on a residual-based stopping condition with an improvement ranging from around 10% up to 50% in terms of number of iterations. We also illustrate by experiment that GPMR appears more resilient to loss of orthogonality than Block-GMRES.
翻译:我们采用了一种称为GMR的迭代方法,用于解决2x2区块不对称线性系统。GMR是基于一个新的过程,它同时将两个矩形矩阵减到Hessenberg上部,与块状Arnoldi进程密切相关。GMR相当于Block-GMRES,有两个右侧,其中两种近似解决办法在每次迭代中都得到总和,但每迭代都需要较少的储存和工作。我们将GMMR与GMRES和Block-GMRES在SuiteSparse 矩阵收集的线性系统中的性能进行比较。在我们的实验中,GMR的终止时间大大早于GMRES,其残留性停止条件的终止时间从10%到50%不等。我们还通过实验来说明,GMRMR似乎比B-GRES更能适应丧失正态性。