In [10], a `Markovian stick-breaking' process which generalizes the Dirichlet process $(\mu, \theta)$ with respect to a discrete base space ${\mathfrak X}$ was introduced. In particular, a sample from from the `Markovian stick-breaking' processs may be represented in stick-breaking form $\sum_{i\geq 1} P_i \delta_{T_i}$ where $\{T_i\}$ is a stationary, irreducible Markov chain on ${\mathfrak X}$ with stationary distribution $\mu$, instead of i.i.d. $\{T_i\}$ each distributed as $\mu$ as in the Dirichlet case, and $\{P_i\}$ is a GEM$(\theta)$ residual allocation sequence. Although the motivation in [10] was to relate these Markovian stick-breaking processes to empirical distributional limits of types of simulated annealing chains, these processes may also be thought of as a class of priors in statistical problems. The aim of this work in this context is to identify the posterior distribution and to explore the role of the Markovian structure of $\{T_i\}$ in some inference test cases.
翻译:在[10]中,采用了一个“马科维尼刺破”进程,该程序对离散基空间的离散基空间一般采用美元(mathfrak X)美元(mathfrak X}美元)的“马科维尼刺破”进程,特别是“马科维尼刺破过程的样本可以以破碎形式($=sum ⁇ i\i\geq 1}P_i\delta ⁇ T_i}美元(美元)代表“马科维尼刺破”进程,美元是固定分配的固定的、不可复制的马克夫链,美元是美元(mathfrak X}美元),而不是i.d.d.$_T_i$(美元),每个在Drichlet案中以美元分发的样本,美元是GEM$(theta)美元剩余分配序列。虽然[10]的动机是将这些马科维尼的粘破铁链与模拟铁链类型的经验分配限制联系起来,但这些进程也可以认为,这是统计结构中先前的一组测试任务。