The processing of signals supported on non-Euclidean domains has attracted large interest in the last years. Thus far, such non-Euclidean domains have been abstracted primarily as graphs with signals supported on the nodes, though recently the processing of signals on more general structures such as simplicial complexes has also been considered. In this paper, we give an introduction to signal processing on (abstract) regular cell complexes, which provide a unifying framework encompassing graphs, simplicial complexes, cubical complexes and various meshes as special cases. We discuss how appropriate Hodge Laplacians for these cell complexes can be derived. These Hodge Laplacians enable the construction of convolutional filters, which can be employed in linear filtering and non-linear filtering via neural networks defined on cell complexes.
翻译:过去几年来,在非欧洲域支持的信号处理过程引起了很大的兴趣,迄今为止,此类非欧洲域主要被抽象地提取为带有在节点上支持的信号的图形,尽管最近也考虑了在更一般的结构(如简化综合体)上处理信号的问题。在本文件中,我们介绍了在(抽象的)常规细胞综合体上进行信号处理的情况,它提供了一个统一的框架,包括图表、简化综合体、立方复合体和各种网状。我们讨论了如何为这些细胞综合体产生适当的Hodge Laplacean 。这些Hodge Laplacecian 使得能够建造革命过滤器,这些过滤器可用于线性过滤器和在细胞综合体上定义的神经网络进行非线性过滤。