We develop a general framework, called approximately-diverse dynamic programming (ADDP) that can be used to generate a collection of $k\ge2$ maximally diverse solutions to various geometric and combinatorial optimization problems. Given an approximation factor $0\le c\le1$, this framework also allows for maximizing diversity in the larger space of $c$-approximate solutions. We focus on two geometric problems to showcase this technique: 1. Given a polygon $P$, an integer $k\ge2$ and a value $c\le1$, generate $k$ maximally diverse $c$-nice triangulations of $P$. Here, a $c$-nice triangulation is one that is $c$-approximately optimal with respect to a given quality measure $\sigma$. 2. Given a planar graph $G$, an integer $k\ge2$ and a value $c\le1$, generate $k$ maximally diverse $c$-optimal Independent Sets (or, Vertex Covers). Here, an independent set $S$ is said to be $c$-optimal if $|S|\ge c|S'|$ for any independent set $S'$ of $G$. Given a set of $k$ solutions to the above problems, the diversity measure we focus on is the average distance between the solutions, where $d(X,Y)=|X\Delta Y|$. For arbitrary polygons and a wide range of quality measures, we give $\text{poly}(n,k)$ time $(1-\Theta(1/k))$-approximation algorithms for the diverse triangulation problem. For the diverse independent set and vertex cover problems on planar graphs, we give an algorithm that runs in time $2^{O(k\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-2})}n^{O(1/\epsilon)}$ and returns $(1-\epsilon)$-approximately diverse $(1-\delta)c$-optimal independent sets or vertex covers. Our triangulation results are the first algorithmic results on computing collections of diverse geometric objects, and our planar graph results are the first PTAS for the diverse versions of any NP-complete problem. Additionally, we also provide applications of this technique to diverse variants of other geometric problems.