Non-adversarial generative models such as variational auto-encoder (VAE), Wasserstein auto-encoders with maximum mean discrepancy (WAE-MMD), sliced-Wasserstein auto-encoder (SWAE) are relatively easy to train and have less mode collapse compared to Wasserstein auto-encoder with generative adversarial network (WAE-GAN). However, they are not very accurate in approximating the target distribution in the latent space because they don't have a discriminator to detect the minor difference between real and fake. To this end, we develop a novel non-adversarial framework called Tessellated Wasserstein Auto-encoders (TWAE) to tessellate the support of the target distribution into a given number of regions by the centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) technique and design batches of data according to the tessellation instead of random shuffling for accurate computation of discrepancy. Theoretically, we demonstrate that the error of estimate to the discrepancy decreases when the numbers of samples $n$ and regions $m$ of the tessellation become larger with rates of $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}})$ and $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{m}})$, respectively. Given fixed $n$ and $m$, a necessary condition for the upper bound of measurement error to be minimized is that the tessellation is the one determined by CVT. TWAE is very flexible to different non-adversarial metrics and can substantially enhance their generative performance in terms of Fr\'{e}chet inception distance (FID) compared to VAE, WAE-MMD, SWAE. Moreover, numerical results indeed demonstrate that TWAE is competitive to the adversarial model WAE-GAN, demonstrating its powerful generative ability.
翻译:VAE 、 Wasserstein 、 具有最大平均差异(WAE- MMD) 的瓦塞斯坦 、 切片- Wasserstein 、 自动编码(SWAEE) 等非对抗型基因变异模型等非对抗型变异型模型相对容易培训,而且与Wasserstein 、 具有基因化对抗网络(WAE-GAN) 的自动编码(WAE) 相比,其模式崩溃程度相对较少。然而,这些模型在接近潜在空间的目标分布时并不十分准确,因为它们没有区分来检测真实和假之间的微小差异。为此,我们开发了一个叫Tesselleleled 瓦塞斯坦 、 远端电子编码自动编码(TWSWAEE) 的新非对抗性变异型变异型非目标分布的支持程度, 其变异性变异性变异性数据技术和设计组合,而不是随机变形变异模型。 理论上,我们证明, 当样本数量(美元和区域 美元) 的变异性变异性变异性变异性变异性变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变后,, 的变变的变的变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变的变变变变变变变变变变变变变的变变的变的变的变变变变变变的变变变变变变的变变变变变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更更數,