Purpose: How much to invest in research facilities has long been a question in research policy and practice in higher education. This matter is time-sensitive due to critical financial challenges at institutions in the USA, with signs of significant problems in Europe. The purpose of this report is to present new techniques for assessment of one particular type of research infrastructure - computing facilities and staff that support research. These new approaches are timely because of the ongoing financial crises which may make it essential for institutions of higher education to make difficult decisions regarding research infrastructure. Principal results: We present recently developed methods for assessment of the economic and scientific value of investment in advanced computing facilities and services. Existing examples of these tools in use show that investment in advanced computing facilities and services contributes importantly to positive financial and academic outcomes for institutions of higher education. We present a format based on the Balanced Scorecard concept for summarizing such information. Conclusion: The methods presented here enable quantitative assessment of the relationship between investment in computing facilities and research and education outcomes. These methods should be of interest to research policy investigators and practitioners. The analysis methods described may be applied retroactively, making this report of potentially immediate value in setting research policies.