There has been significant work recently in developing machine learning models in high energy physics (HEP), for tasks such as classification, simulation, and anomaly detection. Typically, these models are adapted from those designed for datasets in computer vision or natural language processing without necessarily incorporating inductive biases suited to HEP data, such as respecting its inherent symmetries. Such inductive biases can make the model more performant and interpretable, and reduce the amount of training data needed. To that end, we develop the Lorentz group autoencoder (LGAE), an autoencoder model equivariant with respect to the proper, orthochronous Lorentz group $\mathrm{SO}^+(3,1)$, with a latent space living in the representations of the group. We present our architecture and several experimental results on jets at the LHC and find it significantly outperforms a non-Lorentz-equivariant graph neural network baseline on compression and reconstruction, and anomaly detection. We also demonstrate the advantage of such an equivariant model in analyzing the latent space of the autoencoder, which can have a significant impact on the explainability of anomalies found by such black-box machine learning models.
翻译:最近,在高能物理(HEP)开发机器学习模型方面做了大量工作,用于分类、模拟和异常检测等任务,这些模型通常从设计用于计算机视觉或自然语言处理中数据集的模型中加以调整,而不必包含适合HEP数据的感应偏差,例如尊重其内在的对称性。这种感应偏差可以使模型更能表现和解释,并减少所需培训数据的数量。为此,我们开发了Lorentz组自动电解码仪(LGAE),这是在正确、或超近的Lorentz组($\mathrm{SO}{(3,1美元)中,这些模型与该组具有潜在空间,但该组的表示中含有一种隐性空间。我们在LHC的喷气式上展示了我们的建筑和若干实验结果,发现它大大超出了非Lorentz-quivarit 图形神经网络关于压缩和重建的基线,以及异常检测。我们还展示了这种等等离变模型在分析该机模型的隐蔽空间方面的优势。