Mass movements and delta collapses are significant sources of tsunamis in lacustrine environments, impacting human societies enormously. Palaeotsunamis play an essential role in understanding historical events and their consequences along with their return periods. Here, we focus on a palaeo event that occurred during the Younger Dryas to Early Holocene climatic transition, ca., 12,000 years ago in the Lake Aiguebelette (NW Alps, France). Based on highresolution seismic and bathymetric surveys and sedimentological, geochemical, and magnetic analyses, a seismically induced large mass transport deposit with an initial volume of 767172 m3 was identified, dated and mapped. To investigate whether this underwater mass transport produced a palaeotsunami in the Lake Aiguebelette, this research combines sedimentary records and numerical models. Numerical simulations of tsunamis are performed using a viscoplastic landslide model for tsunami source generation and two-dimensional depth-averaged nonlinear shallow water equations for tsunami wave propagation and inundation modelling. Our simulations conclude that this sublacustrine landslide produced a tsunami wave with a maximum amplitude of approximately 2 m and run-up heights of up to 3.6 m. The modelled sediment thickness resulting from this mass transport corroborates well with the event deposits mapped in the lake. Based on our results, we suggest that this sublacustrine mass transport generated a significant tsunami wave that has not been reported previously to the best of our knowledge.