Functional encryption introduces a new paradigm of public key encryption that decryption only reveals the function value of encrypted data. To curb key leakage issues and trace users in FE-IP, a new primitive called traceable functional encryption for inner product (TFE-IP) has been proposed. However, the privacy protection of user's identities has not been considered in the existing TFE-IP schemes. In order to balance privacy and accountability, we propose the concept of privacy-preserving traceable functional encryption for inner product (PPTFE-IP) and give a concrete construction. Our scheme provides the following features: (1) To prevent key sharing, a user's key is bound with both his/her identity and a vector; (2) The key generation center (KGC) and a user execute a two-party secure computing protocol to generate a key without the former knowing anything about the latter's identity; (3) Each user can verify the correctness of his/her key; (4) A user can calculate the inner product of the two vectors embedded in his/her key and in a ciphertext; (5) Only the tracer can trace the identity embedded in a key. The security of our scheme is formally reduced to well-known complexity assumptions, and the implementation is conducted to evaluate its efficiency. The novelty of our scheme is to protect users' privacy and provide traceability if required.