We propose in this paper a new coding scheme called twisted-pair superposition transmission (TPST). The encoding is to "mix together" a pair of basic codes by superposition, while the decoding can be implemented as a successive cancellation list decoding algorithm. The most significant features of the TPST code are its predictable performance that can be estimated numerically from the basic codes and its flexible construction in the sense that it can be easily adapted to different coding rates. To construct good TPST codes in the finite length regime, we propose two design approaches-rate allocation and partial superposition. By taking tail-biting convolutional codes (TBCC) as basic codes, we show by numerical results that the TPST codes can have near-capacity performance in the short length regime.
翻译:在本文中,我们提出一个新的编码方案,称为扭曲的重复传输(TPST ) 。 编码是通过叠加“混合”一对基本代码,而解码可以作为一个连续的取消列表解码算法来实施。 TPST 代码最重要的特征是其可预测的性能,可以从基本代码及其灵活的构造中进行数字估计,以便很容易地适应不同的编码率。 为了在有限长度制度中构建良好的TPST代码,我们建议了两种设计方法-比率分配和部分叠加。 通过将尾部比重的革命代码(TBCC)作为基本代码,我们通过数字结果显示TPST代码可以在短时间制度中接近能力性能。