We explore the task of language-guided video segmentation (LVS). Previous algorithms mostly adopt 3D CNNs to learn video representation, struggling to capture long-term context and easily suffering from visual-linguistic misalignment. In light of this, we present Locater (local-global context aware Transformer), which augments the Transformer architecture with a finite memory so as to query the entire video with the language expression in an efficient manner. The memory is designed to involve two components -- one for persistently preserving global video content, and one for dynamically gathering local temporal context and segmentation history. Based on the memorized local-global context and the particular content of each frame, Locater holistically and flexibly comprehends the expression as an adaptive query vector for each frame. The vector is used to query the corresponding frame for mask generation. The memory also allows Locater to process videos with linear time complexity and constant size memory, while Transformer-style self-attention computation scales quadratically with sequence length. To thoroughly examine the visual grounding capability of LVS models, we contribute a new LVS dataset, A2D-S+, which is built upon A2D-S dataset but poses increased challenges in disambiguating among similar objects. Experiments on three LVS datasets and our A2D-S+ show that Locater outperforms previous state-of-the-arts. Further, our Locater based solution achieved the 1st place in the Referring Video Object Segmentation Track of the 3rd Large-scale Video Object Segmentation Challenge. Our code and dataset are available at: https://github.com/leonnnop/Locater
翻译:我们探索语言引导视频分割( LVS ) 的任务。 以前的算法大多采用 3D CNN 来学习视频表达方式, 努力捕捉长期背景, 容易受视觉语言不匹配的影响。 有鉴于此, 我们展示Charder( 本地- 全球背景了解变异器), 以有限的内存来增强变异器结构, 以便以高效的方式用语言表达方式查询整个视频。 记忆的设计涉及两个组成部分 -- -- 一个是持续保存全球视频内容,另一个是动态收集本地时间背景和分解历史。 根据当地- 全球背景和每个框架的特定直径的内涵, 努力捕捉到长期背景, 并努力捕捉到长期背景的可适应性查询矢量。 内存还允许Charler以线性时间复杂性和恒定大小内存储整个视频, 而变异性自我自控的天文缩缩缩比例, 我们的LVS+ Rioral- develrial S- dal- dreal labS- dreal Streal Streal labs lags- weal Sl SlabSl Slax Sl Sl Sl Sl Slabs) 。 3 Slax Sl Sl Sl Sl- ds ds ds dsl labs laxs ds ds ds lax lads lad Slad Sladal lad Sl lax ladal lad Std Stds