In today's modern digital world, we have a number of online Question and Answer platforms like Stack Exchange, Quora, and GFG that serve as a medium for people to communicate and help each other. In this paper, we analyzed the effectiveness of Stack Overflow in helping newbies to programming. Every user on this platform goes through a journey. For the first 12 months, we consider them to be a newbie. Post 12 months they come under one of the following categories: Experienced, Lurkers, or Inquisitive. Each question asked has tags assigned to it and we observe that questions with some specific tags have a faster response time indicating an active community in that field over others. The platform had a steady growth up to 2013 after which it started declining, but recently during the pandemic 2020, we can see rejuvenated activity on the platform.
翻译:在当今的现代数字世界中,我们有许多在线问答平台,如Stack Exchange、Quora和GFG等,作为人们相互沟通和相互帮助的媒介。在本文中,我们分析了Stack overflow 帮助新人编程的有效性。这个平台的每个用户都经历了一段旅程。在最初的12个月中,我们把他们看作是一个新用户。在12个月后,他们被归入以下类别之一:经验型、卢克尔斯型或调查型。每个问题都有给它分配的标签,我们观察到某些特定标签的问题有更快的回答时间,表明该领域的社区比其他社区活跃。这个平台在2013年之前稳步增长,开始下降,但最近在2020年的大流行病期间,我们看到了平台上恢复活力的活动。