In the last four years, daily deals have emerged from nowhere to become a multi-billion dollar industry world-wide. Daily deal sites such as Groupon and Livingsocial offer products and services at deep discounts to consumers via email and social networks. As the industry matures, there are many questions regarding the impact of daily deals on the marketplace. Important questions in this regard concern the reasons why businesses decide to offer daily deals and their longer-term impact on businesses. In the present paper, we investigate whether the unobserved factors that make marketers run daily deals are correlated with the unobserved factors that influence the business, In particular, we employ the framework of seemingly unrelated regression to model the correlation between the errors in predicting whether a business uses a daily deal and the errors in predicting the business' survival. Our analysis consists of the survival of 985 small businesses that offered daily deals between January and July 2011 in the city of Chicago. Our results indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the unobserved factors that influence the business' decision to offer a daily deal and the unobserved factors that impact its survival. Furthermore, our results indicate that the correlation coefficient is significant in certain business categories (e.g. restaurants).
翻译:在过去四年中,日常交易已经从无处出现,成为全世界数十亿美元的行业。日交易网站,如Groupon和Living Social等日交易网站通过电子邮件和社会网络向消费者提供极低折扣的产品和服务。随着该行业的成熟,关于日常交易对市场的影响问题很多。这方面的重要问题涉及企业决定提供日常交易的原因及其对企业的长期影响。在本文件中,我们调查使市场家进行日常交易的未察觉因素是否与影响企业的未察觉因素相关,特别是,我们采用似乎无关的回归框架,来模拟在预测企业是否利用日常交易和预测企业生存的错误方面的错误之间的相互关系。我们的分析包括2011年1月至7月芝加哥市每日交易的985家小企业的生存情况。我们的研究结果表明,影响企业决定提供日常交易的未察觉因素与影响其生存的未察觉因素之间存在重要的统计联系。此外,我们的结果表明,相关系数在某些商业类别中(g)是显著的。