Reversible audio watermarking (RAW) is a promising technique in various applications. To simultaneously meet the demand of achieving high imperceptibility and robustness, this paper proposes a novel RAW scheme based on lattices. The scheme is referred to as Meet-in-the-Middle Embedding (MME), in which the lattice quantization errors are properly scaled and added back to the quantized host signals. Simulations show that MME excels in a wide range of metrics including signal-to-watermark ratio (SWR), objective difference grade (ODG), and bit error rate (BER).
翻译:在各种应用中,可校正的声水标记(RAW)是一种很有希望的技术。为了同时满足实现高度不易感和稳健性的要求,本文件提议了一个基于缓冲的新型的RAW计划。这个计划被称为中位嵌入(MME ) 计划, 其间, 平面量度误差被适当缩放, 并重新添加到量化的主机信号中。 模拟显示, MME在包括信号对水标记比率(SWR)、客观差分(ODG)和位差率(BER)在内的一系列指标中都非常出色。