For a random variable $X$, we are interested in the blind extraction of its finest mutual independence pattern $\mu ( X )$. We introduce a specific kind of independence that we call dichotomic. If $\Delta ( X )$ stands for the set of all patterns of dichotomic independence that hold for $X$, we show that $\mu ( X )$ can be obtained as the intersection of all elements of $\Delta ( X )$. We then propose a method to estimate $\Delta ( X )$ when the data are independent and identically (i.i.d.) realizations of a multivariate normal distribution. If $\hat{\Delta} ( X )$ is the estimated set of valid patterns of dichotomic independence, we estimate $\mu ( X )$ as the intersection of all patterns of $\hat{\Delta} ( X )$. The method is tested on simulated data, showing its advantages and limits. We also consider an application to a toy example as well as to experimental data.