Quantum computing is emerging as an important (but radical) technology that might take us beyond Moore's law for certain applications. Today, in parallel with improving quantum computers, computer scientists are relying heavily on quantum circuit simulators to develop algorithms. Most existing quantum circuit simulators run on general-purpose CPUs or GPUs. However, at the same time, quantum circuits themselves offer multiple opportunities for parallelization, some of which could map better to other architecture -- architectures such as reconfigurable systems. In this early work, we created a quantum circuit simulator system called Q2Logic. Q2Logic is a coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (CGRA) implemented as an overlay on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), but specialized towards quantum simulations. We described how Q2Logic has been created and reveal implementation details, limitations, and opportunities. We end the study by empirically comparing the performance of Q2Logic (running on a Intel Agilex FPGA) against the state-of-the-art framework SVSim (running on a modern processor), showing improvements in three large circuits (#qbit=27), where Q2Logic can be up-to ~7x faster.
翻译:量子计算正在成为一种重要的(但激进的)技术,可能使我们超越摩尔的法律,用于某些应用。今天,在改进量子计算机的同时,计算机科学家大量依赖量子电模拟器来开发算法。大多数现有的量子电模拟器在通用CPU或GPU上运行,但专门用于量子模拟。与此同时,量子电路本身为平行化提供了多种机会,其中一些机会可以更好地映射到其他结构 -- -- 结构,如可重新配置的系统等。在早期工作中,我们创建了一个名为Q2Logic的量子电路模拟器系统。Q2Logic是一个粗糙的可调整结构(CGRA ), 作为一种粗略的量子电路模拟器(FGRA ), 用于在通用的门射线仪(FGA) 上运行, 但是专门用于量子模拟。 我们描述了Q2Logic是如何创建的, 并揭示了实施的细节、限制和机会。我们通过实验性地比较Q2Logic的绩效(在 Intel Ax FFGA) 上运行快速地显示S7-Sim27的大型系统。</s>