We want to approximate the mxn image A from scanned astronomical photographic plates (from the Sofia Sky Archive Data Center) by using far fewer entries than in the original matrix. By using rank of a matrix, k we remove the redundant information or noise and use as Wiener filter, when rank k<m or k<n. With this approximation more than 98% compression ration of image of astronomical plate without that image details, is obtained. The SVD of images from scanned photographic plates (SPP) is considered and its possible image compression.
翻译:我们希望通过扫描天文摄影板(来自索非亚天空档案数据中心)的 mxn 图像A, 使用比原始矩阵中少得多的条目来接近 mxn 图像A 。 k 位为 k<m 或 k<n, 使用矩阵的等级, k 我们删除多余的信息或噪音, 并用作 Wiener 过滤器 。 有了这个近似值, 天文板图像的压缩配给超过 98% 而不包含该图像细节, 将考虑扫描摄影板( SPP) 图像的SVD, 并视其可能的图像压缩 。