In this paper, we present the data preparation activities that we performed for the Digital Experience Platform (DXP) project, commissioned and supervised by Doxee S.p.A.. DXP manages the billing data of the users of different companies operating in various sectors (electricity and gas, telephony, pay TV, etc.). This data has to be processed to provide services to the users (e.g., interactive billing), but mainly to provide analytics to the companies (e.g., churn prediction or user segmentation). We focus on the design of the data preparation pipeline, describing the challenges that we had to overcome in order to get the billing data ready to perform analysis on it. We illustrate the lessons learned by highlighting the key points that could be transferred to similar projects. Moreover, we report some interesting results and considerations derived from the preliminary analysis of the prepared data, also pointing out some possible future directions for the ongoing project, spacing from big data integration to privacy-preserving temporal record linkage.