The problem of session-aware recommendation aims to predict users' next click based on their current session and historical sessions. Existing session-aware recommendation methods have defects in capturing complex item transition relationships. Other than that, most of them fail to explicitly distinguish the effects of different historical sessions on the current session. To this end, we propose a novel method, named Personalized Graph Neural Networks with Attention Mechanism (A-PGNN) for brevity. A-PGNN mainly consists of two components: one is Personalized Graph Neural Network (PGNN), which is used to extract the personalized structural information in each user behavior graph, compared with the traditional Graph Neural Network (GNN) model, which considers the role of the user when the node embeddding is updated. The other is Dot-Product Attention mechanism, which draws on the Transformer net to explicitly model the effect of historical sessions on the current session. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world data sets show that A-PGNN evidently outperforms the state-of-the-art personalized session-aware recommendation methods.
翻译:届会觉察建议问题旨在根据当前届会和历史会议预测用户的下一次点击。 现有届会觉察建议方法在捕捉复杂的项目过渡关系方面有缺陷。 除此以外,它们大多没有明确区分本届会议上不同历史会议的影响。 为此,我们提议了一个创新方法,名为个人化图形神经网络,并带有关注机制(A-PGNN),用于简洁性。 一个PGNNN主要由两个部分组成: 一个是个性化图形神经网络(PGNN),用于提取每个用户行为图中的个人化结构信息,与传统的图形神经网络模型(GNNN)相比,该模型在更新节点嵌入时考虑用户的作用。另一个是多点关注机制,它利用变形器网络明确模拟历史会议对本届会议的影响。 对两个真实世界数据进行的广泛实验显示,A- PGNNN显然超越了最先进的个人化会觉察建议方法。