When working with description logic ontologies, understanding entailments derived by a description logic reasoner is not always straightforward. So far, the standard ontology editor Prot\'eg\'e offers two services to help: (black-box) justifications for OWL 2 DL ontologies, and (glass-box) proofs for lightweight OWL EL ontologies, where the latter exploits the proof facilities of reasoner ELK. Since justifications are often insufficient in explaining inferences, there is thus only little tool support for explaining inferences in more expressive DLs. In this paper, we introduce EVEE-LIBS, a Java library for computing proofs for DLs up to ALCH, and EVEE-PROTEGE, a collection of Prot\'eg\'e plugins for displaying those proofs in Prot\'eg\'e. We also give a short glimpse of the latest version of EVONNE, a more advanced standalone application for displaying and interacting with proofs computed with EVEE-LIBS.
翻译:使用描述逻辑的理论时,由描述逻辑推理得出的理解要求并不总是简单明了。 到目前为止,标准的肿瘤编辑 Prot\'e\'e 提供两种帮助服务: OWL 2 DL 肿瘤的(黑箱)理由和轻型 OWL EL 肿瘤的(玻璃箱)证明,后者利用理性ELK 的证明设施。由于理由往往不足以解释推理,因此,在更清晰的 DLs 中解释推论时,只有很少的工具支持。 在本文中,我们引入了EVE-LIBS(一个用于计算直到 ALCH的DLS 证据的爪哇图书馆)和EVEE-PROTEGE(一个用于在Prot\'eg\'eg\'e e 中显示这些证据的PROTEGE)插件。我们还简短地查看了EVEE-LE-LBS的最新版本EONNE, 与与与EVE-LIBS 计算的证据进行显示和互动的更先进的独立应用程序。