Representational sparsity is known to affect robustness to input perturbations in deep neural networks (DNNs), but less is known about how the semantic content of representations affects robustness. Class selectivity-the variability of a unit's responses across data classes or dimensions-is one way of quantifying the sparsity of semantic representations. Given recent evidence that class selectivity may not be necessary for, and can even impair generalization, we investigated whether it also confers robustness (or vulnerability) to perturbations of input data. We found that class selectivity leads to increased vulnerability to average-case (naturalistic) perturbations in ResNet18 and ResNet20, as measured using Tiny ImageNetC and CIFAR10C, respectively. Networks regularized to have lower levels of class selectivity are more robust to average-case perturbations, while networks with higher class selectivity are more vulnerable. In contrast, we found that class selectivity increases robustness to worst-case (i.e. white box adversarial) perturbations, suggesting that while decreasing class selectivity is helpful for average-case robustness, it is harmful for worst-case robustness. To explain this difference, we studied the dimensionality of the networks' representations: we found that the dimensionality of early-layer representations is inversely proportional to a network's class selectivity, and that adversarial samples cause a larger increase in early-layer dimensionality than corrupted samples. We also found that the input-unit gradient was more variable across samples and units in high-selectivity networks compared to low-selectivity networks. These results lead to the conclusion that units participate more consistently in low-selectivity regimes compared to high-selectivity regimes, effectively creating a larger attack surface and hence vulnerability to worst-case perturbations.
翻译:代表度偏大已知会影响深度神经网络( DNNs) 输入扭曲的稳健性( 或易感性), 但对于表达方式的语义内容如何影响稳健性, 却知之甚少。 分类单位反应在数据类别或维度之间的差异性是量化语义表达的广度的一种方式。 最近有证据表明, 等级选择性对于输入数据的扭曲可能没有必要, 甚至可能损害一般化。 鉴于最近有证据表明, 等级选择性可能并不必要, 并且甚至可能损害一般化, 我们调查了是否还赋予了更强( 或脆弱性) 对输入数据的扭曲性数据。 我们发现, 等级选择性的强度( 白箱相对性) 扭曲性导致更弱的 ResNet18 和 ResNet20 中的平均( 自然性) 扰动性( 自然性) 影响稳健性 。 分别使用 Tiniy 图像网络 和 CIFAR10C 衡量的单位反应变化性变化性变化性更强性 。 常规化网络对于普通化程度而言, 我们发现, 最强性 最强的反映最强性 最强性 最强性 最强性 最强性 最强性 最强性 。