Channel codes for relayless networks with the general message access structure is introduced. It is shown that the multi-letter characterized capacity region of this network is achievable with this code. The capacity region is characterized in terms of entropy functions and provides an alternative to the regions introduced by [Somekh-Baruch and Verd\'u, ISIT2006][Muramatsu and Miyake, ISITA2018].
翻译:引入一种用于具有一般消息访问结构的无中继网络的信道编码。通过此编码,展示了该网络的多字母特征容量区域是可行的。容量区域是以熵函数为基础进行刻画的,并提供了一种新的对于之前所引入的区域(见[Somekh-Baruch and Verd\'u, ISIT2006][Muramatsu and Miyake, ISITA2018])的替代描述。