This paper concerns the development of metatheory for extensible languages. It uses as its starting point a view that programming languages tailored to specific application domains are to be constructed by composing components from an open library of independently-developed extensions to a host language. In the elaboration of this perspective, static analyses (such as typing) and dynamic semantics (such as evaluation) are described via relations whose specifications are distributed across the host language and extensions and are given in a rule-based fashion. Metatheoretic properties, which ensure that static analyses accurately gauge runtime behavior, are represented in this context by formulas over such relations. These properties may be fundamental to the language, introduced by the host language, or they may pertain to analyses introduced by individual extensions. We expose the problem of modular metatheory, i.e., the notion that proofs of relevant properties can be constructed by reasoning independently within each component in the library. To solve this problem, we propose the twin ideas of decomposing proofs around language fragments and of reasoning generically about extensions based on broad, a priori constraints imposed on their behavior. We establish the soundness of these styles of reasoning by showing how complete proofs of the properties can be automatically constructed for any language obtained by composing the independent parts. Mathematical precision is given to our discussions by framing them within a logic that encodes inductive rule-based specifications via least fixed-point definitions. We also sketch the structure of a practical system for metatheoretic reasoning for extensible languages based on the ideas developed.