Early diagnosis of cancer often allows for a more vast choice of therapy opportunities. After a cancer diagnosis, staging provides essential information about the extent of disease in the body and the expected response to a particular treatment. The leading importance of classifying cancer patients at the early stage into high or low-risk groups has led many research teams, both from the biomedical and bioinformatics field, to study the application of Deep Learning (DL) methods. The ability of DL to detect critical features from complex datasets is a significant achievement in early diagnosis and cell cancer progression. In this paper, we focus the attention on osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is one of the primary malignant bone tumors which usually afflicts people in adolescence. Our contribution to the classification of osteosarcoma cells is made as follows: a DL approach is applied to discriminate human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) from osteosarcoma cells and to classify the different cell populations under investigation. Glass slides of differ-ent cell populations were cultured including MSCs, differentiated in healthy bone cells (osteoblasts) and osteosarcoma cells, both single cell populations or mixed. Images of such samples of isolated cells (single-type of mixed) are recorded with traditional optical microscopy. DL is then applied to identify and classify single cells. Proper data augmentation techniques and cross-fold validation are used to appreciate the capabilities of a convolutional neural network to address the cell detection and classification problem. Based on the results obtained on individual cells, and to the versatility and scalability of our DL approach, the next step will be its application to discriminate and classify healthy or cancer tissues to advance digital pathology.
翻译:癌症早期诊断往往可以选择更为广泛的治疗机会。 癌症诊断后, 病变会提供有关身体疾病程度和特定治疗预期反应的基本信息。 将早期癌症患者分类为高或低风险群体的首要重要性已导致许多研究小组, 包括生物医学和生物信息学领域的研究小组, 研究深层学习方法的应用。 DL 检测复杂数据集的关键特征的能力是早期诊断和细胞癌症发展过程中的一大成就。 在本文中, 我们关注的是骨质瘤。 Osteosorcoma 是主要恶性骨癌肿瘤之一,通常会影响青少年。 我们对骨质瘤细胞分类的分类工作做出了如下贡献: DL 方法被用来歧视人类的皮肤运动细胞细胞(DL) 应用。 DL 能力检测从复杂的细胞细胞中检测关键特征, 并对不同细胞群进行分类。 不同细胞群的玻璃幻灯片是培养的,在健康的骨质细胞中进行分化(骨质细胞的分解), 跨层骨骼细胞(Ostrablority) 是主要恶性骨肿瘤技术之一, 用于对血压细胞网络的分解, 和血压性细胞分类的血细胞的分解, 。 记录中的血解的细胞的细胞的直判分解方法是用于。