Recent advancements in large language and vision-language models have significantly enhanced multimodal understanding, yet translating high-level linguistic instructions into precise robotic actions in 3D space remains challenging. This paper introduces IRIS (Interactive Responsive Intelligent Segmentation), a novel training-free multimodal system for 3D affordance segmentation, alongside a benchmark for evaluating interactive language-guided affordance in everyday environments. IRIS integrates a large multimodal model with a specialized 3D vision network, enabling seamless fusion of 2D and 3D visual understanding with language comprehension. To facilitate evaluation, we present a dataset of 10 typical indoor environments, each with 50 images annotated for object actions and 3D affordance segmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate IRIS's capability in handling interactive 3D affordance segmentation tasks across diverse settings, showcasing competitive performance across various metrics. Our results highlight IRIS's potential for enhancing human-robot interaction based on affordance understanding in complex indoor environments, advancing the development of more intuitive and efficient robotic systems for real-world applications.