Drones are becoming a novel means for delivery services. We present a demonstration of drone delivery services in a skyway network that uses the service paradigm. A set of experiments is conducted using Crazyflie drones to collect the data on various positions of drones, wind speed, wind direction, and battery consumption. We run the experiments for a range of flight patterns including linear, rectangular, and triangular shapes.
翻译:无人机正在成为提供服务的新手段。 我们展示了使用服务范式的天道网络中的无人机传送服务。 正在使用疯狂的无人机进行一系列实验,以收集关于无人机、风速、风向和电池消耗等不同位置的数据。 我们为包括直线、矩形和三角形在内的一系列飞行模式进行实验。