A novel regression method is introduced and studied. The procedure weights squared residuals based on their magnitude. Unlike the classic least squares which treats every squared residual equally important, the new procedure exponentially down-weights squared-residuals that lie far away from the cloud of all residuals and assigns a constant weight (one) to squared-residuals that lie close to the center of the squared-residual cloud. The new procedure can keep a good balance between robustness and efficiency, it possesses the highest breakdown point robustness for any regression equivariant procedure, much more robust than the classic least squares, yet much more efficient than the benchmark of robust method, the least trimmed squares (LTS) of Rousseeuw (1984). With a smooth weight function, the new procedure could be computed very fast by the first-order (first-derivative) method and the second-order (second-derivative) method. Assertions and other theoretical findings are verified in simulated and real data examples.