This work is concerned with computing low-rank approximations of a matrix function $f(A)$ for a large symmetric positive semi-definite matrix $A$, a task that arises in, e.g., statistical learning and inverse problems. The application of popular randomized methods, such as the randomized singular value decomposition or the Nystr\"om approximation, to $f(A)$ requires multiplying $f(A)$ with a few random vectors. A significant disadvantage of such an approach, matrix-vector products with $f(A)$ are considerably more expensive than matrix-vector products with $A$, even when carried out only approximately via, e.g., the Lanczos method. In this work, we present and analyze funNystr\"om, a simple and inexpensive method that constructs a low-rank approximation of $f(A)$ directly from a Nystr\"om approximation of $A$, completely bypassing the need for matrix-vector products with $f(A)$. It is sensible to use funNystr\"om whenever $f$ is monotone and satisfies $f(0) = 0$. Under the stronger assumption that $f$ is operator monotone, which includes the matrix square root $A^{1/2}$ and the matrix logarithm $\log(I+A)$, we derive probabilistic bounds for the error in the Frobenius, nuclear, and operator norms. These bounds confirm the numerical observation that funNystr\"om tends to return an approximation that compares well with the best low-rank approximation of $f(A)$. Furthermore, compared to existing methods, funNystr\"om requires significantly fewer matrix-vector products with $A$ to obtain a low-rank approximation of $f(A)$, without sacrificing accuracy or reliability. Our method is also of interest when estimating quantities associated with $f(A)$, such as the trace or the diagonal entries of $f(A)$. In particular, we propose and analyze funNystr\"om++, a combination of funNystr\"om with the recently developed Hutch++ method for trace estimation.
翻译:这项工作涉及计算一个基质函数的低端近似值 $f(A) 。 这种方法的一个显著缺点是, 以美元计值的矩阵- Vctor产品比以美元计值的矩阵- Vctor产品贵得多, 即使只是通过, 例如, 统计学习和反向问题 。 应用流行随机的随机方法, 如随机的单值分解或 Nystr\\\'om 近似值, $f(A) 需要直接乘以美元( A) 美元( 美元), 以美元计值( A) 来计算。 以美元计值计值( 美元), 以美元计值计值的矩阵- Vctor 产品, 以美元计值( 美元), 即便以大约的方式进行, 也以美元计值的基数( 美元) 。