New types of systems of fuzzy relation inequalities and equations, called weakly linear, have been recently introduced in [J. Ignjatovi\'c, M. \'Ciri\'c, S. Bogdanovi\'c, On the greatest solutions to weakly linear systems of fuzzy relation inequalities and equations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010) 3081--3113.]. The mentioned paper dealt with homogeneous weakly linear systems, composed of fuzzy relations on a single set, and a method for computing their greatest solutions has been provided. This method is based on the computing of the greatest post-fixed point, contained in a given fuzzy relation, of an isotone function on the lattice of fuzzy relations. Here we adapt this method for computing the greatest solutions of heterogeneous weakly linear systems, where the unknown fuzzy relation relates two possibly different sets. We also introduce and study quotient fuzzy relational systems and establish relationships between solutions to heterogeneous and homogeneous weakly linear systems. Besides, we point out to applications of the obtained results in the state reduction of fuzzy automata and computing the greatest simulations and bisimulations between fuzzy automata, as well as in the positional analysis of fuzzy social networks.
翻译:最近,在[J. Ignjatovic\'c, M.\'Ciri\'c, S. Bogdanovi\'c, 关于模糊关系不平等和方程式线性系统最弱的解决方案, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010年) 3081-3113。]上述文件涉及由单一数据集的模糊关系构成的同质性弱线性系统,并提供了计算其最大解决方案的方法。这一方法的基础是计算在特定模糊关系中包含的最大后固定点,即一个模糊关系中的等离子函数。我们在这里调整了这一方法,以计算混杂性弱线性系统的最大解决方案,其中未知的模糊关系涉及两种可能不同的系统。我们还引入和研究高质性模糊关系系统,并在兼容性和同质弱线性系统的解决办法之间建立了关系。此外,我们指出,在最大熔化的烟雾性网络和烟雾性分析中,将获得的结果应用到最大烟性磁性网络中,将烟性磁性磁性磁性分析。