The premise of this article is that a basic understanding of the composition and functioning of large language models is critically urgent. To that end, we extract a representational map of OpenAI's GPT-2 with what we articulate as two classes of deep learning code, that which pertains to the model and that which underwrites applications built around the model. We then verify this map through case studies of two popular GPT-2 applications: the text adventure game, AI Dungeon, and the language art project, This Word Does Not Exist. Such an exercise allows us to test the potential of Critical Code Studies when the object of study is deep learning code and to demonstrate the validity of code as an analytical focus for researchers in the subfields of Critical Artificial Intelligence and Critical Machine Learning Studies. More broadly, however, our work draws attention to the means by which ordinary users might interact with, and even direct, the behavior of deep learning systems, and by extension works toward demystifying some of the auratic mystery of "AI." What is at stake is the possibility of achieving an informed sociotechnical consensus about the responsible applications of large language models, as well as a more expansive sense of their creative capabilities-indeed, understanding how and where engagement occurs allows all of us to become more active participants in the development of machine learning systems.
翻译:本文的前提是,对于大型语言模型的构成和功能有一定的基本理解是非常紧迫和重要的。因此,我们提取了OpenAI的GPT-2的一种表示图,表示其有两个类别的深度学习代码,一种是模型自身的代码,一种是围绕模型构建的应用程序的代码。我们通过两个受欢迎的GPT-2应用程序的案例研究来验证这张图:文本冒险游戏AI Dungeon和语言艺术项目This Word Does Not Exist。这种练习使得我们可以测试关键代码研究在对象是深度学习代码时的潜力,并证明代码作为关键人工智能和关键机器学习研究领域研究人员的分析焦点的有效性。然而,我们的工作更广泛地引起了人们对于普通用户如何与深度学习系统交互甚至指导其行为的方式的关注和关注,通过此推广,让人们获得更全面的他们的创造力能力。确实,理解从哪里和如何参与可以让我们所有人成为机器学习系统开发的更积极的参与者。其关键在于,我们试图实现对于大型语言模型负责任的应用程序的信息科技共识,并拓展了人们对于这些系统的创新能力的更广泛的认识——确实,理解参与交互是如何发生的可以让我们所有人都充分参与到机器学习系统的开发中。