We consider the general problem of Bayesian binary regression with a large number of covariates. We introduce a new class of distributions, the Perturbed Unified Skew Normal (PSUN), which generalizes the SUN class and we show that the new class is conjugate to any binary regression model, provided that the link function may be expressed as a scale mixture of Gaussian densities. We discuss in detail the probit and logistic cases. The proposed methodology, based on a straightforward Gibbs sampler algorithm, can be always applied. In particular, in the p > n case, it shows better performances both in terms of mixing and accuracy, compared to the existing methods.
翻译:我们考虑贝叶西亚二进制回归与大量共差的普遍问题。我们引入了一种新的分配类别,即围住的单一滑板常态(PSUN),它概括了SUN类,我们表明,新类别与任何二进制回归模式是结合的,条件是连接函数可以以高斯密度的尺度混合形式表示。我们详细讨论预选和后勤案例。基于直接的Gibbs采样算法的拟议方法可以始终适用。特别是,在p > n的情况下,它显示了与现有方法相比,混合和准确性两方面的更好表现。