Working from a Poisson-Gaussian noise model, a multi-sample extension of the Photon Counting Histogram Expectation Maximization (PCH-EM) algorithm is derived as a general-purpose alternative to the Photon Transfer (PT) method. This algorithm is derived from the same model, requires the same experimental data, and estimates the same sensor performance parameters as the time-tested PT method, all while obtaining lower uncertainty estimates. It is shown that as read noise becomes large, multiple data samples are necessary to capture enough information about the parameters of a device under test, justifying the need for a multi-sample extension. An estimation procedure is devised consisting of initial PT characterization followed by repeated iteration of PCH-EM to demonstrate the improvement in estimate uncertainty achievable with PCH-EM; particularly in the regime of Deep Sub-Electron Read Noise (DSERN). A statistical argument based on the information theoretic concept of sufficiency is formulated to explain how PT data reduction procedures discard information contained in raw sensor data, thus explaining why the proposed algorithm is able to obtain lower uncertainty estimates of key sensor performance parameters such as read noise and conversion gain. Experimental data captured from a CMOS quanta image sensor with DSERN is then used to demonstrate the algorithm's usage and validate the underlying theory and statistical model. In support of the reproducible research effort, the code associated with this work can be obtained on the MathWorks File Exchange (Hendrickson et al., 2024).