In causal inference, sensitivity models assess how unmeasured confounders could alter causal analyses, but the sensitivity parameter -- which quantifies the degree of unmeasured confounding -- is often difficult to interpret. For this reason, researchers sometimes compare the sensitivity parameter to an estimate of measured confounding. This is known as calibration, or benchmarking. Although it can aid interpretation, calibration is typically conducted post hoc, and uncertainty in the estimate for unmeasured confounding is rarely accounted for. To address these limitations, we propose calibrated sensitivity models, which directly bound the degree of unmeasured confounding by a multiple of measured confounding. The calibrated sensitivity parameter is interpretable as a ratio of unmeasured to measured confounding, and uncertainty due to estimating measured confounding can be incorporated. Incorporating this uncertainty shows causal analyses can be less or more robust to unmeasured confounding than suggested by standard approaches. We develop efficient estimators and inferential methods for bounds on the average treatment effect with three calibrated sensitivity models, establishing parametric efficiency and asymptotic normality under doubly robust style nonparametric conditions. We illustrate our methods with an analysis of the effect of mothers' smoking on infant birthweight.