The Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem (DPDP) is aimed at dynamically scheduling vehicles among multiple sites in order to minimize the cost when delivery orders are not known a priori. Although DPDP plays an important role in modern logistics and supply chain management, state-of-the-art DPDP algorithms are still limited on their solution quality and efficiency. In practice, they fail to provide a scalable solution as the numbers of vehicles and sites become large. In this paper, we propose a data-driven approach, Spatial-Temporal Aided Double Deep Graph Network (ST-DDGN), to solve industry-scale DPDP. In our method, the delivery demands are first forecast using spatial-temporal prediction method, which guides the neural network to perceive spatial-temporal distribution of delivery demand when dispatching vehicles. Besides, the relationships of individuals such as vehicles are modelled by establishing a graph-based value function. ST-DDGN incorporates attention-based graph embedding with Double DQN (DDQN). As such, it can make the inference across vehicles more efficiently compared with traditional methods. Our method is entirely data driven and thus adaptive, i.e., the relational representation of adjacent vehicles can be learned and corrected by ST-DDGN from data periodically. We have conducted extensive experiments over real-world data to evaluate our solution. The results show that ST-DDGN reduces 11.27% number of the used vehicles and decreases 13.12% total transportation cost on average over the strong baselines, including the heuristic algorithm deployed in our UAT (User Acceptance Test) environment and a variety of vanilla DRL methods. We are due to fully deploy our solution into our online logistics system and it is estimated that millions of USD logistics cost can be saved per year.
翻译:动态接驳和交付问题(DPDPD)旨在动态地将车辆排在多个地点之间,以便尽可能降低交付订单事先不为人知的成本。虽然DPDP在现代物流和供应链管理中发挥重要作用,但最新式的DPDP算法在其解决方案质量和效率方面仍然有限。实际上,它们未能提供可扩展的解决方案,因为车辆和站点的数量越多。在本文件中,我们提议了一种数据驱动方法,即空间-时间辅助双深层图形网络(ST-DDDGN),以便解决行业规模的DPDDP。在我们的方法中,交付需求是首先使用空间-时间预测方法预测的,该方法指导神经网络在发送车辆时了解交付需求的空间-时间分布。此外,车辆等个人之间的关系通过建立基于图表的值功能来模型模型。ST-DDGN将基于关注的图形嵌入双双SQN (DDQN) 。 如此,它可以使车辆之间的差异比传统方法更高效。我们的方法是完全由数据驱动和适应性地调整了我们运行的运行的运行成本和运行的系统。 我们的运行的系统中的数据,我们通过持续的运行的系统可以显示,我们对运行的系统进行成本的准确的系统进行,我们是如何的系统进行成本和持续地分析。我们的数据, 我们的运行的计算,我们通过SDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD的计算,我们的数据系统可以不断的计算,我们从S-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-de-de-deal-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-deal-d-de-de-de-de-de-deal-de-de-de-deal-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de