Quantum processors with sizes in the 10-100 qubit range are now increasingly common. However, with increased size comes increased complexity for benchmarking. The effectiveness of a given device may vary greatly between different tasks, and will not always be easy to predict from single and two qubit gate fidelities. For this reason, it is important to assess processor quality for a range of important tasks. In this work we propose and implement tests based on random quantum circuits. These are used to evaluate multiple different superconducting qubit devices, with sizes from 5 to 19 qubits, from two hardware manufacturers: IBM Research and Rigetti. The data is analyzed to give a quantitive description of how the devices perform. We also describe how it can be used for a qualititive description accessible to the layperson, by being played as a game.
翻译:10-100 Qqubit 范围大小的量子处理器现在越来越常见。 但是,随着尺寸的增加,基准的复杂程度也随之增加。 给定装置的效能在不同任务之间可能有很大差异, 并且并不总是容易从单项和两个Qqubit 门的对等性来预测。 因此, 评估一系列重要任务的处理器质量很重要 。 在这项工作中, 我们提议并使用随机量子电路进行测试。 这些数据用来评价两个硬件制造商IBM Research 和 Rigetti 的多个不同超导的qubit 装置, 大小在5到19 qubit。 数据经过分析, 以描述设备是如何运行的。 我们还描述了如何将它用于外行人可以使用的二次二次描述, 通过玩游戏。