Software engineers who use Model-Driven Development may be using Ecore for their work. Ecore is traditionally edited in Eclipse IDE, but a recent transition to Web tools allows for development of new Ecore editors. To investigate the needed functionality of such modeling tools, the model quality framework SEQUAL has been applied. The paper presents the current results of this task, producing requirements for tool functionality as quality improving means for the following quality aspects: physical, empirical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, social and deontic. The result is an extensive list of tool functionality that could be implemented by the Ecore editor developers. Although many requirements are identified, the framework should also help in making trade-offs in case not all requirements can be implemented. In this way the paper both contribute to identifying modeling tool functionality, and to have input to improve SEQUAL as a general model quality framework. Further work will need to be done on the implementation of the tools for properly evaluating this work.
翻译:使用模式驱动开发软件的软件工程师可能在工作中使用Ecore。 Ecore传统上在Eclipse IDE中编辑,但最近向网络工具的过渡允许开发新的Ecore编辑。为了调查这些模型工具所需的功能,应用了模型质量框架SEQUAL。本文介绍了这项工作的当前成果,提出了工具功能要求,作为质量改进手段,用于以下质量方面:物理、经验、合成、语义、务实、社会和登峰造极。结果提供了一份广泛的工具功能清单,可由Ecore编辑开发者实施。虽然已经确定了许多要求,但框架还应帮助在并非所有要求都能实施的情况下进行交易。这样,文件既有助于确定模型工具功能,又有助于改进SEQUAL作为一般模型质量框架。还需要开展进一步的工作,以实施适当评估这项工作的工具。