Dendric shifts are defined by combinatorial restrictions of the extensions of the words in their languages. This family generalizes well-known families of shifts such as Sturmian shifts, Arnoux-Rauzy shifts and codings of interval exchange transformations. It is known that any minimal dendric shift has a primitive $\mathcal{S}$-adic representation where the morphisms in $\mathcal{S}$ are positive tame automorphisms of the free group generated by the alphabet. In this paper we investigate those $\mathcal{S}$-adic representations, heading towards an $\mathcal{S}$-adic characterization of this family. We obtain such a characterization in the ternary case, involving a directed graph with 2 vertices.
翻译:语义变换由对其语言词语扩展的组合限制来定义。 这个家庭将众所周知的轮班家庭( 如Sturmian 轮班、 Arnoux- Rauzy 轮班和间隙交换转换的编码等)统统化为已知之。 已知任何最小调换都有原始的 $mathcal{ S} $- adic 表示, $\ mathcal{ S} $是字母产生的自由群体正面的自制图案。 在本文中, 我们调查了 $\ mathcal{ S} $- adic 表达方式, 走向这个家庭的 $\ mathcal{ S} $- adic 定性 。 我们得到了在长期化的案例中的这种描述, 涉及带有 2 个脊椎的定向图案 。