This work investigates the problem of testing whether $d$ functional random variables are jointly independent using a modified estimator of the $d$-variable Hilbert Schmidt Indepedence Criterion ($d$HSIC) which generalizes HSIC for the case where $d \geq 2$. We then get asymptotic normality of this estimator both under joint independence hypothesis and under the alternative hypothesis. A simulation study shows good performance of the proposed test on finite sample.
翻译:这项工作调查了检验美元功能性随机变量是否共同独立的问题,它使用一个修改后的可变Hilbert Schmidt Indeperence Cruition(d$HSIC)估算器,该估算器对美元=Geq 2美元的情况作了概括。然后,在联合独立假设和替代假设下,我们获得了该估算器的简单正常性。模拟研究显示,拟议的有限抽样测试效果良好。