We consider graph modeling for a knowledge graph for vehicle development, with a focus on crash safety. An organized schema that incorporates information from various structured and unstructured data sources is provided, which includes relevant concepts within the domain. In particular, we propose semantics for crash computer aided engineering (CAE) data, which enables searchability, filtering, recommendation, and prediction for crash CAE data during the development process. This graph modeling considers the CAE data in the context of the R\&D development process and vehicle safety. Consequently, we connect CAE data to the protocols that are used to assess vehicle safety performances. The R\&D process includes CAD engineering and safety attributes, with a focus on multidisciplinary problem-solving. We describe previous efforts in graph modeling in comparison to our proposal, discuss its strengths and limitations, and identify areas for future work.
翻译:我们考虑车辆开发知识图的图解模型,重点是碰撞安全; 提供了包含来自各种结构化和非结构化数据源的信息的有组织模型,其中包括该领域内的相关概念; 特别是,我们建议崩溃计算机辅助工程(CAE)数据的语义,以便能够在开发过程中搜索、过滤、建议和预测失事失事的CAE数据; 这个图解模型将CAE数据与用于评估车辆安全性能的规程连接起来。 RZD进程包括CAD工程和安全属性,重点是多学科解决问题。 我们描述了先前在图形建模方面与我们的提案相比所作的努力,讨论了其优点和局限性,并确定了今后工作的领域。