This paper aims to solve a distributed learning problem under Byzantine attacks. In the underlying distributed system, a number of unknown but malicious workers (termed as Byzantine workers) can send arbitrary messages to the master and bias the learning process, due to data corruptions, computation errors or malicious attacks. Prior work has considered a total variation (TV) norm-penalized approximation formulation to handle the Byzantine attacks, where the TV norm penalty forces the regular workers' local variables to be close, and meanwhile, tolerates the outliers sent by the Byzantine workers. To solve the TV norm-penalized approximation formulation, we propose a Byzantine-robust stochastic alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) that fully utilizes the separable problem structure. Theoretically, we prove that the proposed method converges to a bounded neighborhood of the optimal solution at a rate of O(1/k) under mild assumptions, where k is the number of iterations and the size of neighborhood is determined by the number of Byzantine workers. Numerical experiments on the MNIST and COVERTYPE datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method to various Byzantine attacks.
翻译:本文旨在解决拜占庭袭击中分散的学习问题。 在基本的分布式系统中,一些身份不明但恶意工人(称为拜占庭工人)由于数据腐败、计算错误或恶意袭击,可以向主人发送任意信息,并偏向学习过程; 先前的工作考虑了一种完全变异(TV)规范化的、标准化的近似配方,以应对拜占庭袭击,电视规范惩罚迫使普通工人的当地变量接近,同时容忍拜占庭工人发送的外源。 为了解决电视规范化近似配方,我们提议采用一种Byzantine-robust的反相向交替法,充分利用了相容问题结构。理论上,我们证明拟议的方法在轻度假设下,以O(1/k)速率与最佳解决方案的紧接邻点相汇合,K是迭代数,邻的大小由拜占庭工人人数决定。 By占庭制的倍数实验显示拟议攻击方法的有效性。 Bymerical 实验了MINST 和 COVERTYPE。