We show that recent approaches of static analysis based on quantitative typing systems can be extended to programming languages with global state. More precisely, we define a call-by-value language equipped with operations to access a global memory, together with a semantic model based on a (tight) multi-type system that captures exact measures of time and space related to evaluation of programs. We show that the type system is quantitatively sound and complete with respect to the original operational semantics of the language.
翻译:我们显示,基于定量打字系统的最新静态分析方法可以扩展到具有全球状态的编程语言。 更准确地说,我们定义了一种配有访问全球记忆操作功能的按价值计算语言,以及基于一个(紧凑)多类型系统的语义模型,该系统记录了与程序评价有关的准确时间和空间的测量。 我们显示,相对于语言的原始操作语义,该类型系统在数量上是健全的,并且完整。</s>