Collaborative systems, such as Online Social Networks and the Internet of Things, enable users to share privacy sensitive content. Content in these systems is often co-owned by multiple users with different privacy expectations, leading to possible multiuser privacy conflicts. In order to resolve these conflicts, various agreement mechanisms have been designed and agents that could participate in such mechanisms have been proposed. However, research shows that users hesitate to use software tools for managing their privacy. To remedy this, we argue that users should be supported by trustworthy agents that adhere to the following criteria: (i) concealment of privacy preferences, such that only necessary information is shared with others, (ii) equity of treatment, such that different kinds of users are supported equally, (iii) collaboration of users, such that a group of users can support each other in agreement and (iv) explainability of actions, such that users know why certain information about them was shared to reach a decision. Accordingly, this paper proposes PACCART, an open-source agent that satisfies these criteria. Our experiments over simulations and user study indicate that PACCART increases user trust significantly.
翻译:在线社会网络和物联网等协作系统使用户能够共享隐私敏感内容。这些系统中的内容往往由多个用户共同拥有,而这些用户对隐私的期望不同,从而导致可能的多用户隐私冲突。为了解决这些冲突,设计了各种协议机制,并提出了可以参与此类机制的代理商;然而,研究表明用户不愿使用软件工具管理隐私。为了纠正这一点,我们主张用户应当得到以下标准所遵循的可靠代理商的支持:(一) 隐藏隐私偏好,以便只与其他人共享必要的信息;(二) 待遇平等,从而平等地支持不同用户,(三) 用户协作,使用户群体能够在协议中相互支持,(四) 解释行动的可性,使用户知道为什么分享有关他们的某些信息以作出决定。因此,本文件提议采用PACACART,这是符合这些标准的公开代理商。我们对PACCART的模拟和用户研究表明,PACACART大大增强了用户的信任。</s>