In the past decade, deep active learning (DAL) has heavily focused upon classification problems, or problems that have some 'valid' data manifolds, such as natural languages or images. As a result, existing DAL methods are not applicable to a wide variety of important problems -- such as many scientific computing problems -- that involve regression on relatively unstructured input spaces. In this work we propose the first DAL query-synthesis approach for regression problems. We frame query synthesis as an inverse problem and use the recently-proposed neural-adjoint (NA) solver to efficiently find points in the continuous input domain that optimize the query-by-committee (QBC) criterion. Crucially, the resulting NA-QBC approach removes the one sensitive hyperparameter of the classical QBC active learning approach - the "pool size"- making NA-QBC effectively hyperparameter free. This is significant because DAL methods can be detrimental, even compared to random sampling, if the wrong hyperparameters are chosen. We evaluate Random, QBC and NA-QBC sampling strategies on four regression problems, including two contemporary scientific computing problems. We find that NA-QBC achieves better average performance than random sampling on every benchmark problem, while QBC can be detrimental if the wrong hyperparameters are chosen.